
Round Balance: Tanya Preminger’s Land Art Transcends Boundaries and Challenges Perception

Prepare to embark on a journey where the earth itself becomes a playground of artistic expression. Tanya Preminger’s captivating land art piece, aptly named Round Balance, takes the concept of playing with the earth to a whole new level.

“Round Balance” (2008), soil, grass 900 x 900 x 260 centimeters, Saint-Flour, France. All images © Tanya Preminger, shared with permission

This remarkable project embodies a profound philosophical principle, showcasing the delicate equilibrium that exists between contrasting elements within a single entity. Preminger’s creation serves as a tangible manifestation of this principle, captivating viewers and prompting deep introspection.

Preminger, when discussing her work, shares her intention to express the immaterial essence of things through physical form. She strives to make tangible the universal essence of creation itself. In a world often defined by intangible concepts, Preminger’s land art serves as a bridge, connecting the ethereal with the material.

The installation of Round Balance leaves viewers in awe, challenging their perceptions of nature, imagination, and reality. It invites us to question the boundaries that confine our understanding and invites us to explore the infinite possibilities that lie beyond.

As spectators approach this mind-bending piece, they are immediately enveloped in a surreal experience. The carefully crafted design blurs the lines between natural and man-made, seamlessly blending into the surrounding environment. It beckons us to engage with the artwork and step outside the confines of our everyday lives.

Round Balance defies conventional expectations of art, transcending the traditional confines of galleries and museums. It embraces the landscape as its canvas, using the earth itself as both medium and inspiration. Preminger’s artistic vision harmoniously integrates with the natural elements, creating a symbiotic relationship that blurs the boundaries between artist and nature.

This land art masterpiece challenges our preconceived notions and invites us to see the world through a new lens. It reminds us that art has the power to transcend physical limitations and touch our souls. Round Balance serves as a reminder of the profound connections that exist between the tangible and intangible, the earthly and the ethereal.

As viewers lose themselves in the mesmerizing presence of Round Balance, they are transported to a realm where balance and harmony reign supreme. It encourages us to reflect on the delicate dance between opposing forces and find solace in the equilibrium that emerges from their interplay.

Tanya Preminger’s land art has the power to awaken our senses, ignite our imaginations, and challenge our perspectives. It invites us to embrace the beauty and mystery of the world around us, to delve into the depths of our consciousness, and to explore the limitless possibilities that exist within our reach.

Round Balance is a testament to the transformative power of art. It reminds us that the boundaries we perceive are often self-imposed, and that by stepping outside of our comfort zones, we can unlock a world of untapped creativity and inspiration. Tanya Preminger’s land art masterpiece invites us to lose our balance, for it is in that moment of imbalance that we often find our truest selves.